【東京歴史編】伊奈忠次 関東の水を治めて 泰平の世を築く【 伊奈備前守忠次】
Isn't it true that the history of Tokyo is not well-known even within the context of Japan's history? It is said that the old Edo was largely a marshland. While it is somewhat known that the Edo Shogunate undertook various urban planning projects, the 260 years of the Edo period offer much more to explore. Let’s take a closer look at how Edo was established—you might just see Tokyo in a new light.
Did you know that the Tone River used to merge with the Arakawa River? There’s a story about how the river’s course was altered through flood control efforts, redirecting it to the border between Ibaraki and Chiba Prefectures. Perhaps today’s leaders could learn a thing or two from this. Governance for the people—the flood control measures of Edo were massive undertakings with an eye on the future.
This is the story of Tadatsugu Ina. In fact, the name "Ina Town" originates from Tadatsugu Ina. It’s surprising to learn that this was the land of someone who accomplished such great things.
伊奈忠次は、徳川家康に仕えた武将で、江戸の発展と関東の治水において極めて重要な役割を果たした人物です。彼の業績は江戸幕府の基盤を支え、江戸を世界的な大都市へと成長させる礎となりました。 忠次は関東平野の治水工事を指揮し、頻発する洪水から江戸を守るために河川の流れを大規模に変える事業に挑戦しました。この治水事業は、利根川や荒川などの暴れ川を制御し、関東の農村を洪水から守るだけでなく、新しい耕作地を開拓することで農業生産を飛躍的に向上させました。これにより、江戸幕府の財政基盤が強化され、安定した収入を確保することが可能となりました。 特に注目すべきは、忠次が農民の自主性を尊重しつつ、地域全体を一つの治水ネットワークとして結びつけた点です。彼は、村ごとに行われていた治水対策を統合し、洪水などの災害情報を共有するシステムを構築しました。このネットワークは、地域住民が協力して治水事業を行い、自らの田畑を守るという、画期的な取り組みでした。さらに、忠次は新田開発を奨励し、農民たちが積極的に新たな土地を開墾できるような政策を導入しました。これにより、関東平野は一大穀倉地帯へと変貌を遂げ、江戸幕府の財政基盤はますます強固なものとなりました。 忠次の功績は、江戸を洪水から守るだけでなく、街道や物流の整備にも及びます。彼は東海道や中山道に宿場町を設け、物資や情報の流通を効率化しました。また、伝馬制度を導入し、重要な書類や物資を迅速に運ぶ仕組みを整備しました。これらの施策により、江戸は交通の要衝としての地位を確立し、全国から人々や物資が集まる大都市へと成長していきました。 忠次の治水事業は、彼の死後も息子の伊奈忠治によって受け継がれました。特に、利根川の流れを大きく変える「利根川東遷事業」は、江戸湾に注いでいた利根川を東へ流れを変え、銚子へと導くという壮大なプロジェクトでした。この事業により、関東平野の洪水リスクが大幅に軽減され、さらに広大な耕作地が確保されました。利根川東遷事業は、忠次が始めた治水事業の集大成であり、彼のビジョンが後世にわたって実現されたことを示しています。 伊奈忠次の治水や新田開発の成果は、江戸幕府の財政を支え、民衆の生活を豊かにすることに大きく寄与しました。彼の取り組みは、江戸だけでなく、関東全体の発展においても重要な役割を果たし、彼が描いた「100年先の江戸や関東のグランドデザイン」は、後に現実のものとなりました。 忠次の名は、現在も埼玉県北部に残る「伊奈町」にその名を残しています。彼が築いた堤防や治水施設は今でも機能しており、その功績は現代にまで受け継がれています。忠次は、民衆の暮らしを守り、彼らから深く敬愛される存在でした。彼の治水事業は、自然の力を巧みに利用しつつ、人々の生活を豊かにするという、まさに「偉業」と呼ぶにふさわしいものでした。 伊奈忠次の遺志は、その後も伊奈家によって受け継がれ、江戸幕府の安定と繁栄を支え続けました。彼の優れた先見性と実行力は、江戸と関東の未来を切り開き、江戸幕府が260年以上続く安定した統治を実現するための礎となったのです。最後までご覧になっていただきありがとうございました。 English: Ina Tadatsugu was a samurai who served Tokugawa Ieyasu and played a crucial role in the development of Edo and the water management of the Kanto region. His achievements were foundational in supporting the Tokugawa shogunate and transforming Edo into a world-class metropolis. Tadatsugu directed large-scale water management projects in the Kanto Plain, aiming to protect Edo from the frequent flooding by significantly altering the course of major rivers. These projects controlled the unruly Tone and Arakawa rivers, protected Kanto's rural areas from floods, and vastly improved agricultural production by developing new arable lands. As a result, the financial foundation of the Tokugawa shogunate was strengthened, ensuring a stable revenue stream. One of Tadatsugu's most notable contributions was his respect for the autonomy of the farmers while creating a comprehensive water management network that linked different regions together. He consolidated the fragmented flood control measures that had been carried out separately by villages, creating a system for sharing information about floods and other disasters. This network was a groundbreaking initiative that allowed local residents to cooperate in water management and protect their own fields. Additionally, Tadatsugu promoted the development of new rice fields, introducing policies that encouraged farmers to actively cultivate new lands. This transformed the Kanto Plain into a vast granary, further solidifying the financial base of the Tokugawa shogunate. Tadatsugu’s accomplishments extended beyond flood control to include the development of roads and transportation networks. He established post towns along major roads like the Tokaido and Nakasendo, improving the efficiency of logistics and communication. He also introduced the relay system for horses, which facilitated the swift transportation of important documents and goods. These measures helped Edo establish itself as a central hub of transportation, attracting people and goods from all over the country. Tadatsugu’s water management projects were continued by his son, Ina Tadaaki, after his death. One of the most significant of these projects was the “Tone River Eastward Diversion,” which dramatically altered the course of the Tone River, redirecting it from flowing into Edo Bay to flowing eastward toward Choshi. This monumental project greatly reduced the risk of flooding in the Kanto Plain and secured extensive new farmland. The Tone River Eastward Diversion was the culmination of Tadatsugu’s efforts in water management, and it showed how his vision was realized even after his time. Ina Tadatsugu’s contributions to water management and new land development greatly supported the finances of the Tokugawa shogunate and enriched the lives of the people. His efforts were crucial not only for Edo but for the entire Kanto region, and his "grand design" for Edo and Kanto a century into the future was eventually realized. Today, Tadatsugu’s name lives on in Ina Town in northern Saitama Prefecture. The embankments and flood control facilities he constructed are still functioning, and his legacy continues to be passed down through the generations. Tadatsugu was revered by the people for protecting their lives, and his water management projects were nothing short of extraordinary, as they ingeniously utilized natural forces to enrich people's lives. Ina Tadatsugu’s legacy was carried on by the Ina family, who continued to support the stability and prosperity of the Tokugawa shogunate. His exceptional foresight and leadership paved the way for the future of Edo and the Kanto region, laying the foundation for the stable governance that lasted over 260 years under the Tokugawa shogunate.